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Upgrade the restaurant marketing strategy with customer segmentation: Here's how a digital menu can help
Mon, Oct 23, 2023

Upgrade the restaurant marketing strategy with customer segmentation: Here's how a digital menu can help

The restaurant industry is highly competitive, and for restaurants, it is essential to understand customer behavior. Restaurants need to create effective strategies to upsell and cross-sell. But coming up with a sales strategy that works is easier than done. How do you know which messages would click with your target audience and which ones wouldn’t?

Customer segmentation is a smart strategy that helps restaurants make informed decisions. Instead of creating random sales messages, it is best to differentiate your customers in terms of age, dietary preferences, and other criteria.

With a digital menu, creating marketing messages based on customers’ profiles is simple, as a restaurant QR menu comes with an advanced analytics tool. Capture real-time customer data to segment your customers and create different customer profiles. Learn more about it here.

Restaurant customer segmentation with digital menus:

The restaurant customer segmentation depends on several criteria, such as location, age, gender, demographic, etc. A digital menu helps capture customer data when they place an order, and by analyzing that data set, the restaurateurs can put their customers in different categories.

The restaurants can learn about customers who prefer vegetarian food and also identify vegans. Likewise, they can identify customers who always order food made with organic ingredients. Such information allows restaurants to create customer-specific marketing campaigns using their digital food menu.

Let’s learn about the benefits of customer segmentation:

Informed decision-making:

The data provided by digital tablet menus enables restaurant management to better understand customers. The restaurants need to understand what their customers' expectations are and what they are missing at the restaurant. Their behavioral data, order patterns, and every tiny detail captured by the digital menu will help a restaurant understand what steps to take. If a specific segment of customers is ordering a food item or beverage repeatedly, the restaurants must promote that item to other customers belonging to that group.

Create a tailor-made campaign.

A personalized marketing campaign can truly do wonders for the restaurant. A digital menu provides data regarding a customer's profile and personal information. The restaurants can create upselling and cross-selling campaigns based on that data. If repeat customers prefer ordering burgers, pizza, and similar items every time they visit, the restaurants can personalize a marketing campaign for them.

With a digital menu, restaurants can create tempting upselling and cross-selling messages that promote items that are similar or items that can be ordered together. Likewise, for a customer who prefers eating healthy, the restaurant may promote healthy salads.

It helps identify trends:

Customer segmentation helps restaurants identify trends. The new trends emerge in the industry, and restaurants need to keep track of these trends to stay relevant. With market segmentation, you can understand the trends better, as you can track a particular customer segment and understand what they prefer. The restaurants can gauge their opinion through the guest feedback section of their digital menu. They can learn what a particular customer segment, such as Gen Z, is looking for in the menu. In-depth understanding of that will enable the restaurant to introduce such dishes and promote them over social media to attract more Gen Z customers. The customers will love to explore the new entrants in your restaurant. You can apply the same strategy to other customer segments as well.

Targeted advertising campaigns:

The restaurants need to promote seasonal and other special items, and for that, they need to create the right marketing campaign. However, the restaurants must understand which items will appeal to which segment of customers and create an apt marketing campaign.

Right targeting is going to help the restaurants reach out to the audience and ensure that the targeted message clicks with the audience. If you are planning on running a special discount on chosen meals or combos, ensure that you are targeting the right customers for the campaign.

Retain your customers:

A significant benefit to be expected from customer segmentation done through QR code ordering system is that restaurants can earn the trust and appreciation of their customers. If the customers can access what they desire at the restaurant every time they visit and find offers that suit their interests best, they will love coming back to the restaurant for more. Due to segmentation, customers can make informed decisions, and the restaurants can engage them, and also increase conversions successfully.

Customer segmentation is going to help restaurants make the smartest marketing decisions, catch up with trends, and win customers. Learn how to utilize the digital menu features, such as guest feedback and advanced analytics with eMenu, and start earning more.