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Digital dining: What are the challenges and how do you overcome them?
Tue, May 23, 2023

Digital dining: What are the challenges and how do you overcome them?

The restaurant industry has started migrating to the digital platform by gradually incorporating digital solutions into its existing system. Although the progress was initially slow, the industry picked up pace, propelled by the need to provide a contactless solution to customers. In many restaurants, paper menus are now being replaced by digital menus. Online food ordering is also gaining momentum everywhere.

Digital dining trends are now transforming the restaurant industry. However, there are some challenges that must be addressed to guarantee that digital migration proceeds smoothly. Continue reading to learn about the obstacles and how to best overcome them.

Digital dining challenges: Here’s how to overcome them

Digital literacy can be a challenge:

While incorporating digital measures such as a digital menu or a POS system, digital literacy may pose a problem for a restaurant. Restaurant employees often face difficulty understanding the technology, which affects their productivity. The restaurant management needs to arrange a training session to help them learn how to operate a specific system.

Customers may face a similar problem understanding how a QR code table ordering system works. Understanding digital menu functions may seem challenging to customers who are used to a paper menu. For them transitioning to a digital menu may seem a jarring experience in the beginning.

To address this challenge restaurant management must select user-friendly digital solutions that can be understood and operated by even non-technical users. A user-friendly interface and seamless integration are a must for any digital tool they choose to adopt. The restaurants should not rush the customers to switch to a digital menu; instead they should gradually introduce them to the digital menu functions and encourage them to take advantage of the new technology. The wait staff at a restaurant should be around to assist the customers and answer their queries.

Third-party apps in online ordering:

Online food ordering has become a popular trend among people. Due to myriad reasons, customers now prefer ordering food online from their favorite restaurants and enjoying the food at home. However, online ordering often involves third-party food apps that add costs to both ends. The customers shell out extra bucks, and the restaurants also pay commissions.

Restaurants should implement online restaurant ordering software and allow customers to order directly from their preferred location. It will remove third-party apps from the ordering process, enabling a restaurant and its customers to save money.

Maintenance issues may arise:

Implementation of digital solutions is not enough; restaurants need the apt infrastructure to manage the solutions effectively. Different issues may arise that require technical knowledge and expertise to resolve. Not all restaurant operators have the expertise or time for technical problems; they require a tech team to handle such issues. Furthermore, the digital menu and other tech solutions must be scalable to meet the unique requirements of a specific restaurant business in the future as well.

The restaurant operators must select the appropriate digital tool, such as a QR code table ordering system, for their requirement and choose a vendor accordingly. Before investing in a digital tool, they should do the necessary research to learn whether a specific tool will be worth their investment.

They must also select a vendor carefully and learn about the admin support and customer support post-sales they provide. The right vendor will not only offer the best product, but they will also offer the tech support you require.

Building a strong digital presence:

In today’s digital world, building a strong digital presence is a must for restaurants to stay competitive. Since digitalization is new to the industry, restaurant operators often do not understand the concept and significance of digital consistency.

A restaurant operator must take the necessary steps to build and maintain digital consistency. Apart from installing online restaurant ordering software, the operators should consider designing websites, and apps and be available across social media platforms to build a sturdy online presence. They must ensure customers can access them via any channel, anytime, anywhere.

To help restaurants grow digitally, they must resolve the problems they face while using technology. A restaurant operator will profit from digital solutions if they take the right steps. Call eMenu today to design a cutting-edge digital menu to begin your journey toward growth.