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Data-Driven Dining: Using eMenu Analytics for Menu Evolution
Mon, Aug 14, 2023

Data-Driven Dining: Using eMenu Analytics for Menu Evolution

The restaurant menu is the most significant tool that can drive restaurant growth. The restaurant industry is gradually digitally transitioning by letting go of the paper menu and adopting the restaurant QR ordering system. A digital food menu encourages digital dining and provides real-time data to restaurants allowing them to make informed decisions about food items, pricing, and promotional offers.

In the age of data-driven dining, when restaurant data analytics play a pivotal role in driving restaurant growth, eMenu’s QR ordering system can be a powerful tool. Let’s learn more about this here.

Data-Driven Dining: The Role of Restaurant QR Menu Analytics

eMenu provides unique features to help restaurants design advanced digital menus empowered by advanced analytics that allow the QR ordering system to capture real-time data. How can data help restaurants profit in their business?

From menu design to pricing, every aspect of your menu can be optimized by eMenu data analytics. Harnessing the power of data can boost your restaurant business in more ways than you can imagine.

Offer a customized dining experience:

Win your regular customers with a customized service and a personal approach. Analyze the data points to identify guests who frequent your restaurant, and check out their order history and behavior to understand them better. Greet them with a special welcome message as they open the digital food menu to show them they are valued. On their birthdays and anniversaries, send them a special message and offer them a special discount or exclusive item they can access by scanning a QR code on their iPad menu for restaurants.

The customers will take note of such personalized approaches and will appreciate the effort your restaurant is making, which will help fortify the bond. They will reconsider your place for a customized dining experience.

Create an optimized menu:

A significant benefit of eMenu data analytics is menu optimization. Your menu can help you earn more profit only if you optimize it by analyzing the data. The data points captured by your restaurant QR ordering system will help you understand customer preferences. Analyze the data to identify high-performing and non-performing dishes on the menu, and understand customer behavior, and average spending.

Since a QR code menu ordering system from eMenu also has a guest feedback section, you can examine the feedback to understand their opinion regarding different aspects like portion size, pricing, etc.

The insight you gain from the data enables you to identify areas that need to be modified. Highlight the items that can increase your profit margin but are underrated, and put them in a separate category or upsell them to draw customer attention.

Items with negative reviews and the ones that do not get reordered should be modified or removed from the menu. Furthermore, your restaurant QR ordering system can help you understand trends and optimize your menu for maximum profit.

Recommend products based on guest profiles:

The data that your digital food menu captures can also help you come up with effective upselling and cross-selling strategies. The eMenu data analytics enable restaurants to access information regarding customer demographics, order patterns, customer preferences for specific ingredients and flavors, and their spending behavior. Analyzing this data, the restaurants can recommend items that resonate with customers.

Selecting items for upselling or cross-selling will be easier when you have data to back up your decision. The customer order history data can help you identify items a particular customer will splurge on or order together. Promote similar items while they explore the eMenu restaurant QR ordering system, and let the pop-up messages do their trick. The data will help you identify emerging market trends and customer expectations, and you can promote your items accordingly.

Optimize menu pricing:

The restaurant pricing strategy undergoes many changes due to market situations, ingredient price fluctuations, competition, and multiple other factors. The restaurants have to keep profitability in mind while keeping the prices reasonable. With eMenu’s data analytics, restaurants can adjust their pricing strategy to maximize profit.

The eMenu’s QR ordering system helps restaurants access the data that helps them understand their customer profiles, the food cost, and the customer demand during peak hours, slow hours, and during the holidays. The data patterns will help you apply premium pricing, and value-based pricing strategies accordingly to determine pricing.

The digital food menu data would also point to hours, and days (could be weekends, could be holidays) during which the customers are willing to pay a premium price, and the restaurant can calculate the profit margin and change the pricing on the iPad menu for restaurants with a tap.

The dynamic pricing strategy, if implemented correctly, can lead to significant profits. The eMenu data analytics will also show the slow hours, during which they can set special “Happy Hour” prices and boost sales. The digital tablet menu makes it simpler to update the new price in an instant, allowing restaurants to boost sales.

The restaurants can monitor the data to assess the impact of a new pricing strategy and revise it at any time.

Plan seasonal offers in advance:

If a restaurant wants to increase its profit margin, it needs to keep the menu interesting by including special seasonal offerings. A restaurant must cater to the customer segment looking forward to savoring seasonal specials to increase sales.

With eMenu’s data analytics, they can stay ahead in this game; the data will point to the seasonal trends analyzing which restaurants can stock up their inventory. The order history data will help the restaurants gauge the demand for different seasonal offerings on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. The performance data of diverse seasonal items can also help restaurants pick the right items. The seasonal items will appeal to customers and spike sales. The restaurants can promote seasonal items on their digital food menu by creating a special QR code.

eMenu data analytics can truly change the future of your restaurant business. The data that our restaurant QR ordering system offers will offer valuable insight and help you optimize the menu, modify your pricing strategy, and identify seasonal trends. Get ready to harness the power of data and boost your restaurant business with eMenu.